
Money has a funny way of disappearing fast while you're producing and shooting a film.  The only surefire way to fix this?  Create a realistic budget (and STICK TO IT). A well-crafted budget convinces potential investors of the legitimacy/organization of your film and its production. Let me coach you through your budgeting and give you advice from having budgeted dozens of projects for myself and others.

And what about crowd funding? Position your Kickstarter campaign to build up both excitement and a future audience for your film. Reward your supporters while understanding their true reward is helping you.

  • Know your resources - what are you really working with as a budget? What are your in-kind vs. cash resources?

  • Break down EVERYTHING in a spreadsheet so you know how much is going into each department.

  • Apply for filmmaking grants with sound financial evidence of your project.

  • Get honest feedback on your campaign pitch and rewards.

  • Motivate your friends to give you money.


Budget Coaching
Crowd-Funding Coaching

What does it include?

Budget Coaching: Send me your budget for feedback over the phone, or start with an exhaustive blank budget spreadsheet I can provide for you to fill out and then we can do feedback when ready. Follow up with emails as needed through post-production (i.e. does this seem like a legit rate this person is charging?)

Crowd-funding Coaching: Over the phone I can help you craft a campaign that will excite your friends and family and talk you through what you need to do before launch and as the campaign rolls along. I can help you fine tune your rewards, and your updates to keep your momentum going.  Also, you want to keep your backers informed of the film's progress so they feel invested in the final product and will help you market it when you are ready. Follow up with emails as needed through the process.

When it comes to budgeting a short or a feature, Bears knows her stuff. She’s worn all the hats and she’s rolled with all the punches. With Bears crunching the numbers and keeping things on track, you can focus on what’s most important, telling your story.
— Scott Honea, writer/director