
There's a sea of content out there since it's easier than ever for anyone to make a movie - how do you choose what to feature at your festival?  You festival will leave its strongest impression with what you put on the screen, and any panels and workshops you offer.  I can program sections of your festival (like docs, or low-budget indies, or midnighters (my favorite), I can even curate your whole program, finding films that play into your event's themes and goals.  I keep an ear to the film ground 365 days a year, so I know what's out there and which projects to go for.  I also have insider access to distributors and filmmakers because I've been doing this for years.  They may not know your festival yet, but at least I can get them to consider screening with you when a door might otherwise be closed.  Taking open submissions? Let us handle your logistics by organizing your Film Freeway platform and communicating with submitting filmmakers. .

  • The films define the festival. I can curate film programs in any theme or genre that play to your audience.

  • Make the experience singular. Count on me to lead Q&As, plan and moderate panels and workshops, and coordinate jury deliberations.

  • Have a jury award? or a Key note speaker? I'll help you scout out who would best fit your fest and even help make introductions if possible.

  • Want to do a retrospective/classic film program? Let me help you navigate the world of film distribution rights and wooing special guests to your festival.

  • Don't get lost in the logistics of your submissions. We will assign films to your screening team and make sure everything gets watched and scored, and that filmmakers are notified of the results by the deadline


Curate a Programming Section (up to 9 features)
     + attendance for Q&As, panels
+ flight, hotel
Curate an Entire Program (up to 30 features)
     + attendance for Q&As, panels
+ $1000, flights, hotel for 2
Help plan panels, retrospectives, special guests, juries
included with Entire Program Curation
Run your submissions (new festivals)
Run your submissions (year two and beyond)
pricing based on total submissions
Scouting Report from a festival I'm already attending
Scouting a festival I was not planning on attending
$500 +flights/hotel/badge

Bears has been a great addition to our programming team. She has great taste in films and strong connections to filmmakers through her various activities as programmer, journalist and filmmaker. She needs to reassess her opinion of Fury Road, however.
— -Jeff Ross, Executive Director, SF IndieFest