
As a filmmaker who worked for years in Hollywood reading scripts for producers and script contests, I love to get involved with a film from its very inception. I don't consider myself a script consultant, I don't want to get your script ready to sell to Warners.  I will look at your script with an eye to you filming it yourself.  Avoid the most difficult parts of production by fixing it in your script first. I can even listen to pitches before you start writing, and talk about where the finished film might find its way on to the festival circuit. Budgeting time is just as important as keeping tabs on the money.  The production schedule should be efficient, and thorough. And keep in mind the circuit schedule and submission dates of festivals you have an eye on: these can help you determine a "finish-by" deadline. After you roll the cameras, I'll watch cuts of the film and give you notes. I can give you feedback on poster design. I've even been known to take an Associate or Co-Producer credit on a film and work my own festival connections to get the film out there.

  • Write the right script. From pitch to outline to product, keep your eye on the goal.

  • Solve issues before they cost you money. Get your script ready to roll cameras with someone who has won countless contests and produced award-winning films.

  • Troubleshoot your production plans. Have someone you can go to with any question that comes up and who can look at your plans and point out areas for concern.

  • Fine-tune your Film. You've got a rough cut of your film - I've got years of experience both as a filmmaker and film festival programmer. Get a fresh set of eyes on your film before you send it out to be judged.


Script Development (feature)
Script Development (short)
Film Development (feature)
Film Development (short)
Script and Film Development Combo (feature)
Script and Film Development Combo (short)
                Each Combo includes Festival Submission Coaching ($300 value)

What does this include?

Script Development: At least one phone call to discuss your idea/outline at whatever stage it is in, at least one phone call to discuss the script, at least 2 full reads with written comments (note: these are not 'studio notes' like you would get from a regular script consultant, these are practical, nuts and bolts notes to make sure you can film this thing and make it into the great film you want it to be). Constant email feedback on individual questions from first thought to final draft.

Film Development: At least one phone call prior to shooting to discuss production plans before cameras roll, to discuss anything except budgeting. At least one phone call to discuss the rough cut, with at least two full views of the film with written notes. Notes will be geared to practical things you can fix without reshooting, but feedback will be honest and constantly assess the likelihood of the film reaching its goals.  Constant email feedback on individual questions from the countdown to your shoot date to the film is ready for festivals.

Every Script and Film Development Combo includes the Festival Submission Coaching (a $300 value) to see your film through from thought to screen. For features, this is a $1,450.00 value for $1,000.00, for shorts, a $1,150 value for $700, savings of $450.00.

Shorts scripts must be 30 pages or less, Short films 40 minutes or less.

Bears was a great resource as I polished my script for Blood Prose, both making the script better and helping to troubleshoot potential filming difficulties before I got into production. Because I knew I was shooting the film myself, and what my budget would be, we were able to fine-tune the script to highlight the strengths of my idea and make the best film possible. I was able to get into a premium film festival, onto iTunes as well - and give a lot of credit to Bears for that.
— Randall Krongard, writer/director/producer – Blood Prose